Blog Day-3

Ankon Mazumder
3 min readMay 7, 2021

All the Fundamental of React.js and concepts

React is defined as a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Let’s start by talking about the two different parts of this definition.
React is a JavaScript “library”. It is not exactly a “framework”. It is not a complete solution and you will often need to use more libraries with React to form any solution. React does not assume anything about the other parts in any solution. Frameworks serve a great purpose, especially for young teams and startups. When working with a framework, many smart design decisions are already made for you, which gives you a clear path to focus on writing good application-level logic. However, frameworks come with some disadvantages. For experienced developers working on large codebases, these disadvantages are sometimes a deal breaker.

Virtual DOM and diffing works in React

Each time something in the DOM changes. Since DOM is represented as a tree structure, changes to the DOM is pretty quick but the changed element, and it’s children’s has to go through Reflow/Layout stage and then the changes has to be Re-painted which are slow. Therefore more the items to reflow/repaint, more slow your app becomes.

React Component

defaultProps can be defined as a property on the component class itself, to set the default props for the class. This is used for undefined props, but not for null props.

Display Name

The displayName string is used in debugging messages. Usually, you don’t need to set it explicitly because it’s inferred from the name of the function or class that defines the component. You might want to set it explicitly if you want to display a different name for debugging purposes or when you create a higher-order component, see Wrap the Display Name for Easy Debugging for details. this.props contains the props that were defined by the caller of this component. See Components and Props for an introduction to props.


The state contains data specific to this component that may change over time. The state is user-defined, and it should be a plain JavaScript object.

If some value isn’t used for rendering or data flow (for example, a timer ID), you don’t have to put it in the state. Such values can be defined as fields on the component instance.

Summary About JSX

Since JSX compiles into calls to React.createElement, the React library must also always be in scope from your JSX code. You can also refer to a React component using dot-notation from within JSX. This is convenient if you have a single module that exports many React components.

Optimizing Performance

If you’re benchmarking or experiencing performance problems in your React apps, make sure you’re testing with the minified production build. By default, React includes many helpful warnings. These warnings are very useful in development. However, they make React larger and slower so you should make sure to use the production version when you deploy the app.

Virtualize Long Lists

If your application renders long lists of data (hundreds or thousands of rows), we recommended using a technique known as “windowing”. This technique only renders a small subset of your rows at any given time, and can dramatically reduce the time it takes to re-render the components as well as the number of DOM nodes created.

Avoid Reconciliation

React builds and maintains an internal representation of the rendered UI. It includes the React elements you return from your components. This representation lets React avoid creating DOM nodes and accessing existing ones beyond necessity, as that can be slower than operations on JavaScript objects. Sometimes it is referred to as a “virtual DOM”, but it works the same way on React Native.

It’s Not a Frame Work

Angular or Ember are frameworks where some decisions are already made for you. React is just a library and you need to make all decisions by yourself. It focuses on helping you to build user interfaces using components.

It doesn’t help you with server communication, translations, routing and so on. Some perceive this as a weakness.



Ankon Mazumder

React Web Dev || Engineer Student || Electronics & Communication Engineering